Estate Planning Red Flag

You’re attempting to create your estate plan with DIY tools

Interested in trying to prepare your own estate plan? There are resources available to assist you, such as online services, computer software and how-to books. Do-it-yourself (DIY) estate planning may save you a few hundred dollars, or even a...

Estate Planning Red Flag Continue reading…

A strong marriage is a necessity when it comes to using a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT)

When creating your estate plan, there is a certain amount of prognosticating involved. What will your financial picture look like years into the future? How will the estate tax laws change? No doubt one of the biggest challenges involved with estate planning is all the uncertainty. One option to hedge your bets...

A strong marriage is a necessity when it comes to using a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT) Continue reading…

SECURE 2.0 eases Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) obligations

Generally, it’s advantageous to keep funds in your retirement accounts for as long as possible. Indeed, the longer you refrain from withdrawing funds, the longer they must continue tax-deferred growth.

However, you must begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from employer-sponsored retirement plans, such as 401(k) plans, and IRAs...

SECURE 2.0 eases Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) obligations Continue reading…